Measure of conflicts, conflicts of measurement. Looking back on the history of the quantification tools of strikes

Special report: “Conflicts at work”
By Étienne Penissat

The revival of debates concerning conflicts in the workplace has been accompanied by a renewal of its measurement tools. The surveys developed by the experts and statisticians from the Ministry of Labor in the years 1990 and 2000 have transformed representations associated with labor disputes in France, by questioning, in particular, the analysis of their decline. The article sheds light on the long-term history of these statistics: from registers to surveys, from a criminal approach to macro-economic and then micro-economic approaches, from a restrictive definition to a broad definition. If measurement tools have evolved along with the forms of conflicts, we show that the professionalization and the empowerment of state statisticians have allowed them to promote these tools even though social conflicts were not at the center of the political agenda.


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