Dealing with politics Novices, amateurs, and part-timers in politicsNo 128, 2019/4 - 208 pagesPages 3 to 5EditorialDealing with politics. Novices, amateurs, and part-timers in politicsPages 7 to 29Dealing with politics. Novices, amateurs, and part-timers in politicsBy Éric Agrikoliansky, Philippe AldrinPages 31 to 63On the edges. A sociology of the secondary political actors in two small French townsBy Philippe Aldrin, Marie VannetzelPages 65 to 90Becoming a unionist in spite of oneself? The strained activist socialization of mobilized vehicle-for-hire driversBy Sarah Abdelnour, Sophie BernardPages 91 to 114Changing Life. Novice MPs at the National Assembly, or the political condition in the twenty-first centuryBy Étienne OllionPages 115 to 142Learning to play (with) one’s roleBy Yolaine GassierPages 143 to 177The gilets jaunes movement: Learning about politics in and through practice?By Zakaria Bendali, Raphaël Challier, Magali Della Sudda, Olivier Fillieule, debate prepared and moderated by Éric Agrikoliansky, and Philippe AldrinVariaPages 179 to 205Reflections on the Washington Consensus: When the World Bank turned to free trade for its transport infrastructure projectsBy Sidy Cissokho