Observing Mobilizations No 93, 2011/1 - 220 pagesPages 3 to 5EditorialSpecial report: Observing mobilizationsPages 7 to 27Observing MobilizationsBy Hélène Combes, Choukri Hmed, Lilian Mathieu, Johanna Siméant-Germanos, Isabelle SommierPages 29 to 45Studying protest in an authoritarian context: The Cuban caseBy Marie-Laure GeoffrayPages 47 to 68Analyzing films from production to receptionBy Audrey MariettePages 69 to 92The emotions of the animal causeBy Christophe TraïniPages 93 to 114Contrasted views on May 1968: Statistical analysis versus life-storiesBy Julie PagisPages 115 to 139Secret relations and the foundations of collective violenceBy Javier Auyero, Matthew MahlerPages 141 to 165Political domination through funding mechanismsBy Rémy Le Saout, Sébastien SegasPages 167 to 194Becoming a firefighter: ethnography of a secondary socializationBy Romain PudalReviewsPages 195 to 212Reviews