Activism and gender hierarchies No 78, 2007/2 - 194 pagesPages 3 to 4Activism and gender heirarchiesPages 7 to 12IntroductionBy Olivier Fillieule, Lilian Mathieu, Patricia RouxPages 13 to 37Gender and modes of entry into collective actionBy Jean-Gabriel ContaminPages 39 to 63Trades unionism tested by feminizationBy Cécile GuillaumePages 65 to 86Feminist tactics against "friendly fire" in the Irish women's movementBy Judith TaylorPages 87 to 106Women in the popular neighborhoods, associations and public politicsBy Sylvia Faure, Daniel ThinPages 107 to 132From MLF to Movement for ParityBy Laure BereniPages 135 to 156When precaution becomes discreetBy Céline GranjouPages 157 to 178The Parisian map of noise. The making of a new statement of public policyBy Philippe ZittounPages 179 to 194Reviews