The Repatriated Colony No 76, 2006/4 - 174 pagesPages 3 to 7The repatriated colonyPages 11 to 30"Keeping Your Guys under Control"By Choukri HmedPages 31 to 52A little colonial world in metropolitan FranceBy Tom CharbitPages 53 to 73A French university in a colonial landBy Laure BlévisPages 75 to 96"La noblesse d'État" tested by "Algeria" and the post-1962 periodBy Sylvain LaurensPages 97 to 117Outlines of an Algerian administrative network and building of a competence in "Muslim Affairs"By Françoise de BarrosPages 121 to 141Insiders and OutsidersBy Bruno DumonsPages 143 to 166An Algerian matrix?By Laure PittiPages 168 to 174Reviews