Institutional Activism No 70, 2005/2 - 175 pagesPages 3 to 6Institutional activismPages 9 to 28Entering public action while contesting itBy Gwenola Le NaourPages 29 to 50Fighting for the status quoBy Emmanuel HenryPages 51 to 70The parabola of the Observatory or the limits to the institutionalization of a "cognitive partnership" with the associationsBy Yves Lochard, Maud Simonet-CussetPages 71 to 88Redeployment in urban policy: The commitment to the "neighborhoods"By Sylvie TissotPages 89 to 112Professionals in participation: Managing an activist imageBy Magali NonjonPages 113 to 134Discovering you are an activistBy Julien MeimonPages 137 to 167Modes of sociability and maintenance of an activist habitusBy Karel YonPages 169 to 195The invisible riskBy Jeanne Chabbal