List of issues Varia No 145 - 2024/1 | pagesInertia of ecological policies No 144 - 2023/4 | pagesThe political conversion of social interests: political order and the social division of local space No 143 - 2023/3 | pagesVaria No 142 - 2023/2 | pagesSexuality and social class: hierarchies, distinctions and politicisation No 141 - 2023/1 | pagesMoney to rule No 140 - 2022/4 | pagesVaria No 139 - 2022/3 | pagesPartisan discretion No 138 - 2022/2 | pagesLocal power and the working classes in rural settings No 137 - 2022/1 | pagesVaria No 136 - 2021/4 | pagesTools for managerial reforms and professional organization No 135 - 2021/3 | pagesThe nation of economists. Economics in the face of public power (twentieth to twenty-first centuries) Vol. 2 No 134 - 2021/2 | pagesThe economists’ state. The contribution of economic knowledge to the construction of the state as an economic actor (twentieth and twenty-first centuries) No 133 - 2021/1 | pagesGrounded companies and the role of states No 132 - 2020/4 | pagesRacialization and public policy No 131 - 2020/3 | pagesRelationships to school, relationships to the state No 130 - 2020/2 | pagesIn protest No 129 - 2020/1 | pagesDealing with politics No 128 - 2019/4 | pagesVaria No 127 - 2019/3 | pagesThe political implementation of ideas No 126 - 2019/2 | pagesPolitics on the street corner No 125 - 2019/1 | pagesModernizing injunctions No 124 - 2018/4 | pagesThe paradoxes of modernity No 123 - 2018/3 | pagesBottom right? No 122 - 2018/2 | pagesPhilanthropic enterprises No 121 - 2018/1 | pagesFrance and Quebec: A problematic comparison? No 120 - 2017/4 | pagesPolitics of the common (16th – 19th century) No 119 - 2017/3 | pagesJustice at Work No 118 - 2017/2 | pagesOccupation Movements No 117 - 2017/1 | pagesThe State and Overseas No 116 - 2016/4 | pagesOutlaw Vigilantes No 115 - 2016/3 | pagesSocial Mobility No 114 - 2016/2 | pagesCampaigning No 113 - 2016/1 | pagesProtagonism and Political Crises No 112 - 2015/4 | pagesPolitical Sociology of the Sciences No 111 - 2015/3 | pagesThe Past Mobilized No 110 - 2015/2 | pagesOrdinary Appropriations of Feminist Ideas No 109 - 2015/1 | pagesYouth Government No 108 - 2014/4 | pagesSexual Politics No 107 - 2014/3 | pagesConservative Movements No 106 - 2014/2 | pagesPutting the Economy in Order No 105 - 2014/1 | pagesNeither War nor Peace No 104 - 2013/4 | pagesRepresenting Farmers No 103 - 2013/3 | pagesContinuity and Discontinuity in Activism No 102 - 2013/2 | pagesWorking-Class Homeownership No 101 - 2013/1 | pagesFocusing Social Sciences on Politics No 100 - 2012/4 | pagesDifferentiating between Children No 99 - 2012/3 | pagesSchool Policies No 98 - 2012/2 | pagesSpaces of Social Control No 97 - 2012/1 | pagesGenerational Policy (ies) No 96 - 2011/4 | pagesPolicies of Economization No 95 - 2011/3 | pagesDiscrimination and Law No 94 - 2011/2 | pagesObserving Mobilizations No 93 - 2011/1 | pagesPolitical Anchorages No 92 - 2010/4 | pagesHealth and Work No 91 - 2010/3 | pagesFrontiers of Humanity No 90 - 2010/2 | pagesEuropean Academia No 89 - 2010/1 | pagesPartisan Coalitions No 88 - 2009/4 | pagesState and Illegal Practices No 87 - 2009/3 | pages“Conflicts at Work” No 86 - 2009/2 | pagesTrade Unionization in France No 85 - 2009/1 | pagesBusinessmen in Politics No 84 - 2008/4 | pagesRural Worlds No 83 - 2008/3 | pagesFigures of the Decision No 82 - 2008/2 | pagesThe making of parties in Great Britain No 81 - 2008/1 | pagesThe pacification of violence No 80 - 2007/4 | pagesManagement No 79 - 2007/3 | pagesActivism and gender hierarchies No 78 - 2007/2 | pagesPilgrimages No 77 - 2007/1 | pagesThe Repatriated Colony No 76 - 2006/4 | pagesDeliberative Arenas No 75 - 2006/3 | pagesImpostures No 74 - 2006/2 | pagesExperience and Criticism of the Psychological World No 73 - 2006/1 | pagesPolitics and Ageing No 72 - 2005/4 | pagesTested by Scandal No 71 - 2005/3 | pagesInstitutional Activism No 70 - 2005/2 | pagesAliens: Put on the Shelf No 69 - 2005/1 | pages