Last issue Revolving doorsNo 146, 2024/2 - pagesPages 3 to 4EditorialPages 7 to 32Towards a political sociology of revolving doors. From the origins of the phenomenon to the implications for public actionBy Sébastien Michon, Cécile RobertPages 33 to 62Lobbyist once, lobbyist for life? Frequency and intensity of circulation in the field of power since 2017By Guillaume CourtyPages 63 to 82When the private sector “makes” senior civil servants.The political-institutional construction of a porous boundary between “public” and “private” sectors in PeruBy Arthur MorenasPages 83 to 105Revolving-doors from the public sphere to lobbying. Public-private circulations in Poland and the Czech Republic (2000-2023)By Jana VargovčíkováPages 107 to 129When revolving doors stalls EU reform of financial transactions transparencyBy Yiorgos VassalosPages 131 to 166From the European hemicycle to interest representation: limited public/private flows but low-key cooperationBy Willy Beauvallet, Sébastien Michon, Cécile RobertPages 167 to 187Border guards or smugglers? Ethics officers in the management of the public/private divideBy Lola AvrilPages 191 to 217Being the Union. A European team at the heart of the Greek crisisBy Marylou HammPages 219 to 243Regulating imbalances: spatialized prison policing and pragmatic racialization of the prison orderBy Manon VeaudorPages 247 to 251Lucie Bargel, Dans l’écheveau de la frontière : alignements, réalignements des attachements politiques dans la Roya (XIX e-XXI e siècles), Paris, Karthala, coll. “Questions transnationales”, 2023, 404 pages.By Eleonora Elguezabal